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October 14, 2012
Welcome to our first issue of our new quarterly newsletter, filled with all the news that will help you keep your skin healthy and beautiful on an ongoing basis. Also, please check my blog The Rx regularly for hot topics. (I just posted my thoughts about shellac and gel manicures: There’s a reason why your nails might feel “tight” after receiving one of them.)
--Dr. Michele Grodberg
You’ve probably noticed our medical receptionist, Bernadette Fasano, when you’ve entered the C & C Dermatology office. She’s the one with the glowing smooth skin. However that wasn’t always the case, as you can see by these photos. Nine months ago she had freckles, brown spots and fine lines. “Now, my skin looks younger, smoother and firmer and pigmentation is 75% reduced,” says Bernadette. The reason for this difference: two sessions with the Fraxel® DUAL laser.
The Fraxel® Dual is causing people of all ages to turn back the clock. For those in their 30s or 40s with mild sun damage and the beginning of fine lines, it can even out pigmentation and improve fine lines. For those in their 50s and 60s with greater sun damage and deeper wrinkles, surface skin changes can be addressed along with deeper wrinkles, even scars. It targets damaged skin with microscopic laser columns that treat only a fraction of tissue at a time, leaving the surrounding tissue intact, which stimulates the body’s own natural healing process and replaces old and damaged cells with fresh, bright, healthy skin.
The time investment is minimal, although several sessions may be necessary for optimal results. For more information, call for a consultation at (201) 567-8884.
Whisk away dead summer skin and surface debris with this non-abrasive cream that delivers a soothing wave of heat to open pores and exfoliate skin. Fortified with green and white tea; for face and body. 4 oz. tube. Regular Price: $38.00
√ Have a full skin body check
√ Get a cleansing facial to clear pores
√ Exfoliate on a regular basis
√ Restart Retinol
√ Apply sunscreen daily year round
November 29, 2022
Fall is a great time to begin a skin rejuvenation program addressing those skin issues that you've been ignoring during the lazy days of summer and the crazy days of back to school/life.
106 Grand Avenue,
#330 Englewood, NJ 07631
Office Hours
Monday 8:30 AM–5:00 PM
Tuesday 8:30 AM–5:00 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM–4:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM–7:00 PM
Friday 8:30 AM–4:30 PM